Wednesday, December 12, 2007

makey a beaded flakey

here is a project that tashi and did tonight: beaded snow flakes!

you will need:
pipe cleaners
string, twine or fishing line

1) take three pipe cleaners and cut them in half, or use them whole if you want big flakes. we opted for the smaller versions, and they were pretty heavy as is.

2) bunch evenly together your three pipecleaners, or three smaller half-pipecleaners, and then twist them a couple of times at the center, so they hold together.

3) fan out their arms so they are like flakes, or stars.

4) now slide beads onto them. you can either completely cover each limb with beads, or, you can make a little twist in the pipecleaner after each bead, if you want some space between beads. tashi covered her limbs, mine had spaces.

5) leave a little space at the tip of each limb. you can loop the pipe cleaners at the tips so the beads don't slide off.

6) you can curve the limbs a bit, like tashi did, or leave them straight.

7) attach a string, or twine, or fishing line, and hang. in the window. on the tree. from the ceiling. they are so pretty!

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