Tuesday, June 17, 2008

a big mess

my work room has many purposes. it is a sewing room. a collaging room. a writing studio. an office. a guest room. a storage room.

it is not a large room.

under the twin bed are crates full of tashi's art work, old toys, childbirth information folders and stacks of magazines. in one of the closets all of our linens precariously tumble upon a basket of fabric scraps and other miscellany. in the other closet are winter clothes, boxes of photographs, a crate full of receipts, paperwork and certificates, a hodge podge of books, my prom dress, my wedding dress, and more miscellany. i have fabric stored in cubbies, as well as all of my sewing and craft books, beading supplies, books on childbirth, parenting & massage. there are stacks of bills, poems, unframed art, wrapping paper, empty boxes. the list goes on.

the room gets messy. the ironing board always has to be cleared before it can be used for its true purpose. the twin bed is just another surface on which to pile things. sometimes i just keep the door closed and hide away elsewhere with my laptop because the chaos disturbs me.

today, while tashi is enjoying day camp, i am going to, once again, tackle my work room. put it in order. clear out what's not needed.

i will be doing this with each of our rooms, as we learned recently our landlord may be selling the house, and if not that, he will be raising the rent significantly. moving is immanent. i am scouring charlottesville real estate websites. renting or buying? we shall see. but it's time to clear things out, simplify and look forward to change.

if anyone knows of any good homes available in the area, feel free to let me know!

1 comment:

Mediterranean Views said...

I came by to tag you with a MEME, you know how these things work. It's the first I've ever done, but it was an interesting exercise and perhaps my readers will know me better. It would be interesting to see yours. It's on 8 things about you, see the questionson my blog.

But I also wanted to offer you a trick I play with myself when I have a big organizing or cleaning project ahead of me that I do not look forward to: A Book on tape or CD. I put it on while I'm performing the unpleasant task, so I can be accompanied by something enjoyable. I only allow myself to listen to the book while performing that task, so if it's a long one I llok forward to getting back to it, so I can hear the next part of the story. It's especially good for heavy cleanig and ironing. Only problem: these audio books are hard to come by and expensive here in Spain.