Tuesday, October 06, 2009

handmade monday: not by me

one of the biggest rewards of blogging is making virtual friends in the blogosphere. one of those friends is maria muscarella of dirt under my nails. maria gave birth to her adorable little boy a short while before i gave birth to mine. we shared with each other a little bit of handmade love to celebrate our offspring. pictured below, maria sent the super cool dragon hat to tristan. she also sent a lovely knitted hat to tashi, which we can't locate at the moment, but i will show it off as soon as we do.

oh my, there's a dragon on your head!

big boy fears not

examining the beast

hat doubles as teething cloth!

thanks maria, your gifts are lovely!

1 comment:

Maria said...

Awww, it looks so cute on his head!! I've got to find the one I have for Leif. It's about the time to get out the winter hats, I guess!