Friday, September 23, 2005

oscillating okra

another hot day approacheth in charlottesville. today's high is expected to be 88 degrees. i'll be at the barn swallow all day, sitting in front of the huge oscillating fan, gazing out the french doors at the butterflies frolicking amongst tall cosmos.

last night i made deep fried okra. how southern is that? i soaked sliced okra in a mixture of egg and buttermilk and then dredged the slices in a mixture of cornmeal, flour, baking powder and salt. i then dropped the breaded okra into bubbling canola oil and let the heap sizzle until brown, giving the pan an occasional shake. mmmm mmm. i think next time i'll add cayenne pepper to the breading.

aside from out of control hurricanes, here is more exciting evidence of global warming.

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