Thursday, September 15, 2005

prisms and colored glass

the humidity is back.

so many dangling things. what to do w/ broken wooden memory of egypt. bottles of teal and blue, reminder of small round windows in thatched pub.

dank little root cellar, filling with boxes of what if and piles of this was.

huge old wooden desk, two doors down, discarded on road. six drawers. oak probably. ours now.

dan and i, undecided on what room should be who's office.

too many books for the number of cases. missing some crucial storage that cedar bend provided.

drink: water
snack: animal crackers
music: cicada

cedar bend. sad now, that i didn't salvage my lavender and sage, that i didn't dry more of my mugwort. disappointed that i didn't collect the seeds of calendula, echinacea and cosmos. a cinquefoil, transplanted, forgotten. all that out of control oregano, nettle, mullien, catnip and coltsfoot. shameful that i didn't dry more for use. must start all over here, another rental, the grounds crawling with jasmine and ivy.

last two times i've taken loki outside have ended with him hissing at me viciously as i carry him indoors. our yard is abundant with catsmell. he bounds off into wooded areas along fence, carpeted in poison ivy. i have to make a choice: do i count on his return or follow him into the mass of suffering. so far, he has returned.

as i must. to the work at hand.

1 comment:

zoe krylova said...

so far we haven't come down w/ secondary poison ivy from the cats, though i'm sure they race through the stuff regularly. dan and tashi don't seem as sensitive to it as i. i do have a homoeopathic, a very minute dose of the toxin, that if taken regularly for a week is supposed to help build immunity. we'll see!