Wednesday, November 07, 2007

more beautiful book week(s) booty

i know that beautiful book week ended like a week ago. this is actually my seventh b. book entry, so essentially, it should be my last. but i took a bunch of my book photos all at once and i have so very many more to share. so in the vale, the beautiful book beat goes on.

today we'll talk about books written by sarah stewart and illustrated by david small. we in the house of one kidd-o and two parental units quite like the stewart/small books. the two books i'm going to show you are both about women who are wonderfully quirky and passionate about their loves. they carry on, no matter how much their interests may set them apart from others.

our first stewart/small find was the library. what's not to love about a girl who reads while standing on her head, while vacuuming the floor or while walking through a rainshower.

there is also the gardener, a story about a spunky young girl named elizabeth brown who loves to grow flowers in the countryside, but is sent to live with her crabby uncle in the big city during the great depression. the story is written as a series of letters that elizabeth writes to her parents and grandmother back home.

yea. red heads rock.

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