Monday, November 12, 2007

monday morning musings

perhaps i've been having too much fun lately because today i am sick in bed. sick in bed with my computer that is. last night i went to sleep around 8:30pm feeling completely wretched. i woke up this morning still feeling wretched, but not quite as bad. so hopefully this will be a small autumn adjustment and all will be well soon.

i mentioned fun. saturday night the surfband dan is in played a tibetan freedom concert at a dive-bar in town. tashi had a sleepover which means i got to go out! surfzilla was great and was followed by some decent acts. for the remainder of the night i played foos ball, something i haven't done since high school. i even scored. in foos ball that is.

i just wish virginia would make it illegal for people to smoke cigarettes in bars and restaurants.

on sunday, after an artichoke frittata made from fresh duck eggs from a friend, dan and i took a fairly rigorous hike in the ragged mountain natural area before picking up tashi. there were a few steep climbs that reminded me of how very out of shape i am. it was so beautiful amongst the changing leaves of autumn and along the edge of the reservoir.

i came home and made meatloaf for my family for the first time ever and then promptly fell ill. i think the late night music followed by a 3.5 mile hike sent me over the edge.

the meatloaf was really tasty, though, no matter what, it's hard to make a meatloaf look pretty. tashi is a little dubious about it in the photo, but she ate it right up. the beef was grass fed free range, purchased at the heritage apple fest i went to recently.

1 comment:

Songs, Stories And Films From The Edge said...

wonderful! i miss the east coast. i've been listening to surfzilla & admiring the pictures too...