Saturday, October 11, 2008

lost & found

one of the many benefits of moving is finding things you thought forever lost. for instance, dan and i each have a cell phone and we each have a charger for our individual cell phones. after a visit to new york city a year and a half ago, we lost track of the second charger. we were certain we'd left it behind. today dan found the charger in his desk drawer. for a year and a half we've been sharing a single charger, which at times is rather inconvenient, like when your cell phones die at the same time or when one of you is going out of town. and all along it was in his desk drawer.

a couple of years ago some friends of our were considering taking a honeymoon in yelapa, mexico. dan and i spent a night of our honeymoon there, though, if we were to do it all over again, we would have spent the entire time there. so i could show my friends the beauty that is yelapa, i searched all over for our honeymoon photo album. i looked everywhere i thought i had stashed photos. i was pulling my hair out, convinced that somehow when we'd moved from michigan, i'd left the photo album behind. apparently i missed the bag of photos in my office closet, because there i found our honeymoon album today.

these small discoveries are the joy of my saturday, spent stuffing boxes with things hidden deep within closets and drawers.


Linda Diane Feldt said...

found treasures! Glad you're having success, and the new house sounds wonderful - great photos.
I'm upending two rooms and my basement - best find so far was an uncashed check for almost $200.

It was a year old but went through the bank no trouble.

Take it easy with all the physical work involved!
Linda Diane

song of the selkie said...

"things hidden deep within closets and drawers"
i wrote a poem about you years ago, i'm thinking i got it right now...


apron'd eyes smile

wide with ageless secrets
from the slanting glass

a wise meadow's gaze

not sentimental or unkind
something silvery and soft spoken
a few lightening bolts amidst chamomile

planting voluptuous thoughts,
weaving fertile lines ~
delicate ink angels

calligraphic emissions

her mind's breath
flows into paper

a peace from her
lovely virgo closets...

© agn 9.9.97