Tuesday, August 19, 2008

august augur

i can't admit any feelings of guilt toward my blog absence. i was beginning to think i needed to check into the betty ford for internet addicts. but as we head toward the school year and summer's end, i think i will resume my presence on the vale. if only i had something to say!

we had a lovely weekend of camping on the eastern shore. i thought it essential that in our third virginia summer, we actually make it to the coast. and so we did, modest stay though it was. sand, salt water, an abundance of crabs, a full mama moon, stunning sherbet sunsets, bugs the size of my big toe, a tent tingling electrical storm, campfire alchemy, russian folk singers and the silly jokes my brother shared made for a well rounded stay at kiptopeke state park.

i feel the quickening now, as we edge toward a busy season at work, tashi's fifth grade year and a house hunt that continues. tonight we looked at a rental out in the country side. there was so much about it to love, poised alongside a river in a large yard full of old knobby trees. the house had unique features, tons of space, two decks, built in window seats and a loft. but it was seriously trashed by it's former tenants. while the landlord said he'd be fixing it up, it was hard for me to see past the cracked walls, the cigarette stench, the stained carpets and thick cobwebs. dan and tashi could both see its potential, but i wasn't sure about giving up the house buying search for another rental that might have many hidden and obvious frustrations. at the same time, it could be an earthly paradise, an immense opportunity for creative homesteading. which way to go? we will have to think hard on this one and hope for some cosmic messengers.

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