Tuesday, August 24, 2010


as summer winds down, we've had a few forays into the water, or lala, as tristan will call it.

less than a 15 minute drive away there is a lake that we've felt rather indifferent about for quite some time.

having been spoiled by the sea, the ocean, the great lakes and some beautiful northern glacial lakes, it's been challenging to feel the love for a small man made mere of warm murky water. but on days when the temps are in the high 90's, just about anything will do. a small bit of time spent listening to the plash of liquid, sinking toes into roasty sand and watching sunlight bounce off of the rippled surface, can bring on a great attitude adjustment. and the mushroom splash shower is pretty fun too.

an autumn chill has come our way and a long overdue rain soaking, but i suspect there may be a swim or two yet ahead. how are you spending your last days of summer vacation?

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