the blossoms are coming the blossoms are coming!

the pansies didn't even die this winter and now they are overflowing their pot

this morning i wanted to pick up some seed starting soil and realized that rather than going to the big box garden store in town, that i should explore the smaller nurseries dotting these hills. this morning it was the garden barn.
they didn't strike me as being overwhelming conscientious of organic gardening, but they did have a line of organic seeds in their shop as well as bags of organic potting soil. they also had a bunch of feisty chickens, some horses and cows. animals are always a good thing when your (almost) three year old is accompanying you.

when we got home we planted some cosmos seed in our eggshells. i'm still determined to have a cottage garden.

after lunch and playing with the new excavator in the sandbox we decided to beat the heat on the underused upper balcony. i made a little tent canopy for tristan where he hung out for quite some time. even though it was 80 degrees outside, he refused to take off his sweatshirt and the little guy was quite obviously overheated with his red cheeks and sweaty curls.

and then he finally freed himself, permitted me to take his sweatshirt off, and dropped his drawers.

ah spring!
well, almost spring!
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