Monday, May 14, 2012

celebrating our mother

what better way to celebrate mother's day than by honoring mother earth. 

we took a hike yesterday on lower rip rap trail, making our way to a swimming hole of some repute.

it's been a while since we've gone on a family hike, and it was really pure bliss.

a water song played the entire time as we danced around the rippling stream.

there were a variety of bugs and blossoms, rock walls and fungal outcroppings.

the swimming hole was a beautiful aquamarine, with a gentle waterfall flowing into it.

 i waded around the waters, but it was too cold to dive headlong into the deep center, tempted though i was.

i came out of it feeling better than i have in over two weeks (i've been suffering a horrible malaise). and i was reminded of what really matters. when it all comes down to it, mother earth is queen.

1 comment:

Valerie 007 said...

That looks like my kind of place and can certainly understand how just being there could put you in a good frame of mind