Wednesday, December 08, 2010

holiday craft sales

i decided to brave the cold and sit out a few of the downtown holiday markets this season, selling blankets & bibs. i will be in attendance for a second time this saturday. i also have a selection of blanket/bib sets at the bridge, a progressive arts gallery in charlottesville where there is a great gifts sale through january. tashi's fuzzawumble's are also making an appearance, both downtown and at the bridge.

here are a couple of new sets:

and a rainbow of fuzzawumbles:

tashi and i had a nice day at the first holiday market. we sold a few things, saw a few friends and enjoyed the brisk air once the sun came out!

i wonder if i will be permitted to light a barrel fire this saturday?!

we also enjoyed the opening night of the great gifts sale at the bridge.

so many fun things in one cozy space

the groovy elfin wild haired doll is by natalie artz of my magical moonbeam.

can you spot the fuzzawumble?

tristan was really into these robots. i informed santa.

we had a nice evening admiring unique stuff.

i think once the holidays have passed i will finally post the remaining blankets and bibs to etsy and hope that they will find their way into the homes of babes. i would like to go into creative mode for a while and try sewing up some new things. i'm feeling the need to branch out a bit. i also really want to make some items for my own family, and our home. so much energy has gone into the blankets and bibs; it has been a great learning experience so far.

i recently needed to come up with a present for a gift exchange at my workplace. i decided to seize the opportunity to sew my first ever apron (i refuse to count the one i seriously botched in high school), with the intention of placing it in the gift exchange. and so that i did, based on amy karol's instructions in bend the rules sewing. i think it turned out pretty cute.

thus gifted!

we play a mean white elephant exchange at my work place, where the gifts can be stolen from each other. the apron was stolen away twice before it found its rightful owner.

and myself, what did i get at the gift exchange? i had to steal a little purple piggy bank for a very sweet boy who had his eyes on it.

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