Tuesday, February 14, 2006

i didn't steal these pictures!

so tonight i experimented with dan's logitech webcam, meant for web video chats, not really for still photos. but hey, you do what you can with what you have. lighting and a steady hand were the biggest issues. but here are some happy valentine's day photos. sorry about the poor quality.

meet the original iris with the red hair. i made her for tashi a year ago. tashi is clutching her tightly in her sleep at this very moment.

this is the valentine's dress i made for iris. stylish, eh?

this is one of nine! cards tashi made for dan and i.

this is the valentine i made for dan. it says, "you make my heart blossom." aaaaaw.

and for the fun of it, here is the tsatske shelf i picked up at the salvation army. actually it's twice this size but i could only fit so much of it in the camera frame.


Anonymous said...

Love, love, love the hair, and the dress is soo cute! The Waldrof gods will approve. Or is it knomes? Fairies? I guess I need to get it a little straighter if I'm going to be a true waldorf mom.

Good job!


zoe krylova said...

gods, fairies and gnomes all figure prominently in the waldorf world! in our world at home we try to make sure the goddess has a place too.