Sunday, February 04, 2007


today was a day of puttering, organizing, photographing light falling through windows, drinking coco, beginning an epic poem and collaging (one of my new years resolutions, a few blog entries back).

before i could begin the collage i had to tunnel my way to the collage materials. this sent me into a frenzy of organizing my work-room which is also the guest-room-linen-closet-toy-overflow-catch-all room. and before i could really gather the materials i had clear off the coffee table where i was planning to pile the materials and work on the collage. a clear surface in my workroom? i don't think so! a clear coffee table? rarely. here is a before and after coffee table picture. i think i spend a good percentage of my life putting away things that end up on the coffee table.

during the day's various de-cluttering activites, i came across a journal that dan's brother gave me several years ago when we lived in california. this journal is a perfect collage journal. it has thick square light brown paper pages. so i began my collage in there. it is of course not complete, but at least i began one. and the goal is that it will be finished by next weekend, when i will begin another collage.

in fact, perhaps i will go and finish it right now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This sounds exactly like what I've been going through with my own "work space". I spend so much time searching, de-cluttering, pondering and then making more tea, I hardly muster up the strength to create. But that's all changing. I swear...