Wednesday, April 16, 2008

some thoughts for wednesday

it's bad enough that dan will be gone for two weeks. but gone with my camera, now that's just too much. i guess i will have to resort to lots of little flip videos. and the posting of old photos. perhaps i will dig into the thick archive of 16 months worth of digital photos, feature a few, and include some brooding prose.

but right now i'm just procrastinating on cooking dinner. some evenings i just can't face the wee kitchen. nope. can't.

i will have to set some goals while dan is away, so i don't pull the tv out each night for company. here are some things i hope to accomplish, or at least get started in the coming days:

* figure out how to thread my new antique sewing machine, and then make something on it!
* per tashi's request, sew her a bend the rules baby blanket. she is still my baby after all.
* it's baseball season, tashi's chosen team sport. and baseball games sure are long. time to start embroidering! oh, and, didn't i learn how to knit? i forgot.
* read sense and sensibility. i've seen so many various film versions of it, that it's just time to read the book damn it.
* embark on some craft projects with tashi. she is so independent now, choosing things to do on her own, curling up on the couch and reading entire books in single days. i feel like some good active bonding time is due.
* plant, do, dig something in the yard. something.

speaking of yard. i'm terrified of my cats now because i know the poison ivy is beginning to rear it's oily head. they love to run through it and then nuzzle their furry little tainted soft selves against me. i think i suffered from the rash at least three times last summer, and i'm pretty certain two out of three of those times was secondhand exposure from the cats. one session was so bad that the skin on my arm still hasn't normalized. i have several pale patches where the scaly outbreak was.

yard. cats. kid. luv.

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