Sunday, December 04, 2016

december songs 4

i am making it a goal this december to find a video a day that just says it. maybe it is bitter, hopeful, tragic, or celebratory. maybe it inspires. i do hope that some of you may also find it cathartic. let me know...

december song 4 is by laura marling, and it is actually four songs in a short film called, when brave bird saved. i first heard her on the radio several years ago when once i was an eagle released, the album that these songs are from. her sensual voice struck me. and she was around 23 when she released that album, such a wise soul with a mature voice. lyrics follow.


Linda Heintz said...

Amazing. Thanks Zoe. I'm looking forward to other discoveries
(for me) of music I've not heard before and yes, music is a
healing salve right now...

zoe krylova said...

I'm glad you are enjoying, Linda!