Friday, May 25, 2007

in praise of fridays

today was one of those hot humid days that is a merely a hint of the summer intensity to come. it was one of those days shrouded by a kind of heat fog, followed by a night of wide open windows. there is a part of me that loves this sort of tropical weather, though a seashore within walking distance would be helpful.

charlottesville's downtown mall on a hot friday evening always reminds me of what i love about this town. while i'm not a big fan of crowds, there is something comforting in a sea of humanity on one's own main street. the heart of the city is alive and well with a strong pulsating beat.

we ate burritos. we went to fridays after five. i was blown away by the hat tashi's third grade friend made.

we lay in the grass and looked at the rising moon.

we marveled at how sometimes, in very rare and fleeting moments, the ostentatious pavilion tent blends with the sky.

then we watched the nameless band dan is in busk on the mall.

anyone can play music on the downtown mall, no permit necessary. there is the harmonica player with dreadlocks down to his knees, the young violin players in black, the occasional bluegrass trio, the percussionists pounding plastic pickle tubs and exotic african drums, the folkies, the punks, the classic rockers. and tonight there was a surf a band.

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