yesterday i made dan and tashi these huggable hearts for valentine's day. i couldn't access the directions, due to lack of a net connection, but i pulled it off. the arms are a little long with the thumbs pointing in such a way that they are not exactly reaching out to hug, but my loves were amused with them never-the-less.

i was led to the pattern by the excellent crafty crow, the go to website for holiday and kid crafts. through the same resource tashi and i came across this recipe for melt in your mouth peppermint hearts. we made a couple of large batches of them for her classmates. man, did we go through a lot of powdered sugar! but they are so yummy, "like fast melting altoids," dan said, though far tastier, really.

this morning we had a happy valentine breakfast with banana chocolate chip muffins, strawberries and cream. mmmm.

did you notice the table cloth? i have been on the hunt for reasonably priced vintage tablecloths, with no luck. but on thursday i found this lovely for only $1! it's in great condition too.

while i'm on this random ramble, i'll mention the excellent patti smith documentary we watched last night, dream of life. it is a beautiful montage of images, clips, songs, poetry and vignettes from patti smith's past and present. intimate, artful, haunting, inspiring and highly recommended for those that love this legend of a lady.
You have great thrift there! I hereby give you permission to "thrift" anything for me that you think I'd like...I'll pay for the item, plus shipping, plus a finder's fee.
i'd be happy to! no reimbursement required! but let me know if there is anything in particular you are seeking!
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