Friday, June 20, 2008

me. me. me.

I was tagged by mediterranean views to participate in this eight questions meme.

What were you doing 10 years ago?

Tashi was born January 2, 1998, so at this time ten years ago she was almost six months old. I was nursing, rocking, singing, and taking lots of walks in Oakland and Berkeley, CA, where we lived. Tashi was beginning to sit up and enjoyed hanging out in the sling. We were preparing for a big trip to the Midwest to attend Dan's grandfather's 100th birthday party, road trip through Michigan's Upper Peninsula, and visit my mom. I think I was also beginning to write this body of work, in combination with the photographs of my neighbor-friend and published electronically by this poet-friend.

To do list for today-

* already spent most of the day at work
* picked up tashi from day camp
* am in the midst of preparing a picnic to enjoy at fridays after five
* dance to the reggae. drink some beer.
* take a walk on the zany downtown mall
* come home and tell tashi some solstice tales before bed
* once tashi is asleep watch this movie perhaps
* go to bed too late

What would you do if you were a billionaire?

That is a hard question to come up with a quick answer to.

Philanthropically I would like to give to children and families in need, either through the foundation of my own effort, or through an existing organization. I would like to help people who are suffering from terrible diseases and inadequate health care. I would like to give to animal/nature preserves. I would like to give to organizations promoting peace. I would like to give to my daughter's school. I would like to make the world a perfect place. Can you do that on a billion?

I would like to buy a nice little house for my mother in a place of her choice and make sure she never has to worry about money again. I would like to buy a vacation home in Cyprus to be shared with her and other family members.

I would like to buy some land and build an energy efficient home for ourselves. I would like to buy a hybrid car. I would like to set up a fund for Tashi's future.

I would like to invest the money. How do you do that?

What are three of your bad habits?

1. self defeatism
2. lack of discipline
3. spending too much time online (hi!)

What are some snacks you enjoy?

* hummus & fresh bread & olives & cheese & fresh tomatoes & basil
* fresh fruit
* guacamole & chips
* cakes & cookies & pie & scones & dark chocolate

6. What were the last five books you read?

because i spend too much time reading the iternets, i don't spend enough time reading books. and because i tend to read several books at one time, i don't remember the proper order of anything, so i'm sure i'm forgetting something. also, this doesn't count books i've read to tashi of late.

1. sense & sensibility
2. eat, pray, love
3. beyond the sky and the earth
4. huerfano
5. a variety of poetry books

What are five jobs you have had?

1. cocktail waitress
2. bookstore clerk
3. booking agent
4. artists in the schools program assistant
5. acupuncturist's assistant

What are five places where you have lived?

kyrenia, cyprus
bradford, pa
buffalo, ny
seattle, wa
dharamsala, india

What five people do you want to tag?

no tags this time, but feel free to play along, and let me know if you do!


CountryDew said...

You have lived in some very interesting places!

Mediterranean Views said...

Thanks for doing that, I found it enlightening about you.
What Soltice tales did you tell to your daughter? Or did you make themup. I need something new to "tell" could you share them with me??
Thanks, Amy