Tuesday, August 28, 2007

another eight things

i was tagged yet again for an 8 things about me meme by have fun do good

i've done this meme before, maybe even twice. but i guess i like talking about my self, because here i go again.

first the rules:

1) Post these rules before you give your facts

2) List 8 random facts about yourself

3) At the end of your post, choose (tag) 8 people and list their names, linking to them

4) Leave a comment on their blog, letting them know they've been tagged

then the facts:

1. i had four molars pulled as a kid. this was the most traumatic dental experience of my life. the novocaine wasn't working and the dentist kept stabbing me with the needle over and over again. i was crying and the assistant let me squeeze her hand. finally the novocaine kicked in and the four teeth came out. yuk.

(good start huh?)

2. the teeth pulling was followed by braces, which i wanted. but now as i see tashi's top teeth grow in similar to my own, i find them so sweet and endearing. i know what my mother meant now when she said braces will take away some of my character.

3. i have two scars from dog bites. one is under my chin and the other is on my arm. people always think the arm scar is from a booster shot. the weird thing is that after living with it from age 6, it's finally disappearing. not the chin one though. that is becoming more visible.

4. when i was 23 i let my roommate buzz my hair off with his electric razor. i kept up with it for about six months, but then let my hair grow back down to my butt.

5. i gave birth to tashi by c-section. it had originally been a planned homebirth. then a planned hospital birth by the same midwife. i dilated fully and marvelously at home, but after four hours of pushing at the hospital, tashi didn't budge. in fact, she retreated. so i ended up with a c-section, much to my natural childbirthing dismay.

6. i don't like my feet. they are scaly and knobby.

7. i breastfed tashi for 3.5 years. i was going to wean her 2.5, but then we went to india and she refused to eat anything at first. i'm glad i was still breastfeeding, so she could have some nourishment and familiarity in a very unfamiliar land. tashi is one healthy kid, i think in part due to extended breastfeeding and also selective vacinations on our OWN schedule. my biggest remorse is that she has no love for most fruits and vegetables.

8. my favorite forms of exercise are: yoga, swimming, biking and hiking. i don't do any of them nearly enough. as i approach 40, this has got to change.

i'm not sure why that ended up being so of the body. but i guess i was on a roll.

i tag
full circle
green kitchen
touch the spindle
i smell bear
med views

1 comment:

Kat said...

Thanks for the tag. It's always nice to honor the ole' body I think!

PS love that tattoo too